seo & website building

picture of William Zhao

Middle School William Zhao

Case Study:

Quadratto Material Design Center


google search console for case study William Zhao



Date Completed



sensual slumbers case study by william zhao

Case Study:

Sensual Slumbers (E-commerce Store)


google search console for case study William Zhao
  • 56% Increase in Sales: Sensual Slumber Shop saw a significant boost in revenue from SEO and paid ads.
  • 336% Increase in User Traffic: The number of visitors on the shop website skyrocketed from 10/mo to over 300/mo
  • 116 Backlinks Achieved: Successfully gained a large number of backlinks to the site.
  • 29 Pieces of Content Created: Sensual Slumbers developed and published 29 new content pieces, contributing to the overall marketing success.

Note: These results were achieved through a combination of SEO and other marketing strategies, not solely through SEO efforts. (200$ were spent on paid ads)



Date Completed
November 2023

Background: Sensual Slumbers sells special home furniture for adults but is having trouble getting the right customers to their website. They have cool stuff but aren’t catching the eye of the people they want to.

Objective: The goal is to make their website work better and create content that the kind of customers they want will like and search for. This should help more of those customers find and visit their website.

pumpx logo

Case Study: PumpX Fitness LLC


  • 22% increase in app sales, demonstrating the effectiveness of the SEO
  • 112% Increase in number of quality backlinks each month implementing advanced SEO strategies, significantly boosting the website’s authority and search visibility.
  • 202% Increase in organic traffic
  • 3-second reduction in loading time for the main website page and 25+ subpages. This improvement was crucial for enhancing user experience and search engine rankings

Fitness App

SEO & Marketing Specialist

Date Completed
Currently Ongoing

Background: PumpX Fitness LLC, a dynamic player in the fitness app market, faced a significant challenge: attracting and retaining the right audience for their application. Despite offering innovative fitness solutions, their digital presence wasn’t resonating with the target user base.

Objective: To revamp PumpX Fitness LLC’s digital strategy, focusing on enhancing website performance and implementing an effective content and keyword strategy aligned with user interests and search behaviors.


Ready to transform your business?


picture on why businesses need seo to succeed

William Zhao hitting diamond in league of legends

Greatest therapist the world has ever known dr William Zhao md, psyd, phd, ma, mphil, master in science mastering technology, master of the universe” – Luciferat GWHS